"TSE 2" Suphanburi Province, Thailand

9 MWe solar thermal power plant

Project description

Solarlite is continuing its successful cooperation with Thai Solar Energy Co. Ltd. with the Doembang power plant in Suphanburi province. Following the commissioning of the first parabolic trough power plant based on direct steam generation, the next joint power plant project has now started in 2011 with a gross output of 9 MWe.

The conventional power plant part is being constructed by the future operator Thai Solar Energy Co. Ltd. Solarlite GmbH is responsible for the solar field, the direct steam generation process and regulating and control systems of the plant.

Technical parameters

Thermal output
20,8 MWth
Operating temperature
400 °C
Operating pressure
42 bara
Solarfield area
210.000 m²
Collector area 74.851 m²
Total annual electricity production 15 GWhel